Monday, May 4, 2009

Henry's 1st Sunrise

Call me crazy but we went down to the beach this morn to watch the sunrise. Now you all know I am not an early person it was Richard's idea so I figured what can it hurt I can come back home and take a nap. I have been living at the beach now for 10 1/2 years and this only the second sunrise I have seen! The first was when I first met Richard 9 years ago! We all had a nice time. Henry was great you would have never know that we woke him up to go down the beach. But he did get over tired and had a fit when I put him down for his nap. I think he cried for 20 mins and I finally went in an held him and he fell asleep sitting straight up! I don't think there will be anymore sunrises in the near future just kind of threw Henry's whole day off.