Wednesday, April 8, 2009

3 Boys Chuck E Cheese's and Me

Ok so maybe I was feeling like super mom today or maybe just plain crazy! Jen and Dave wanted to go to St. Augustine for the day so I said I would watch the boys. Now you know me I always like to do something fun with the kids when they come to visit, so I thought why not take them to Chuck E Cheese. Now I knew Will would not get anything out of it but thought Andrew would really like it. I loaded the three boys Andrew, Will, and Henry up in the minivan and off we went. I told Andrew I had a surprise for him. He was excited and when we stopped for lunch at McDonald's he said is this my surprise because they had a play place, I said no we are just going to eat here then we are going to go to the surprise. And Andrew said well this could just be my surprise. If I would have not been still feeling like super mom at that time I probably would have just let be but I was determined to take him to Chuck E Cheese. We got through lunch and loaded everyone back into the car. Chuck E Cheese is about 10 min down the road and by the time we got there Andrew was fast asleep but woke up quickly when he found out where we were. I put Will in the stroller and held Henry's hand and had Andrew hold his other hand and some how we all made through the parking lot all in one piece ;') I think all the kids had a good time. As you can see I only have a few not so good pictures. I was so mad I had left without my camera and was only a little ways down the street so went back to get it, but when I went to take a picture it would not turn on no battery! Thank goodness one of the little cars that they can ride in has a camera and it prints out a free picture. I didn't know it until Henry rode it. So of course I made all of the kids ride it so I could a least have some pictures.

Henry and Will



Andrew and Henry enjoying a ride ;')

I forgot I had a picture I took with my phone.