Saturday, April 11, 2009

Forget the helmet we NEED a Bubble!

As you can see from the pictures Henry has taken another fall. I swear I can not take my eyes off this kid for a second. I had just walked in the house with groceries and Henry was playing in the driveway putting rocks in a chimera that is sitting outside the garage. He has been doing this for months it keeps him busy and right on one spot. All of the sudden I hear a crash and Henry screaming. I run out pick him up and first thing I do is look at his mouth teeth are good great, then I see the big scrapes on his head luckily it was just scrapes and no big bumps. I think he may have been trying to climb on the chimera and knocked it over. I took him in and calmed him down and not five minutes later he had shut his thumb in the pantry door. I think he cried harder and longer about that then his head! So ever since he has had his scrape on his head he will point to it and say boo boo. Now we have taught him to say boo boo all gone. I have posted the pictures also so you can see the before and after of the missing tooth.

Before see all my pretty little teeth ;')

After see my tough Hockey Player smile ;'(


deb said...

He doesn't look so bad without his tooth! There was a big space there anyways! Can't wait untill you guys come and visit! There should be a new baby within the next week. So much excitement!