Sunday, November 23, 2008

Behold the POWER of the Lion King

Ok so you should never say I'm never going to do that when I have kids! Yes tonight I have proved myself wrong. I had always said that I would not put my kid in front of the tv and use it as a babysitter. Ok so I did tonight. I was trying to make dinner and Henry was there right under my feet just winning and fussing, yes he dose do that from time to time. So I thought let's try the Lion King and it worked like a charm he sat and watched it while I made dinner. It also caught Richard's attention as he was walking through to get some more wood from the garage to work on the shower, he had to stop and watch for a while. In his defense he is a tv junky and could sit and watch just about anything at anytime usually three shows at once, but that's another story. So the moral of the story is never say I'm never going to do that when I have kids, until you have a one of your own.