Monday, March 9, 2009

Pancakes Anyone?....

Oh what a morning! Ok so I know Henry is definitely getting taller as I found out this morning he can now reach things on the edge of the counter. I had made Henry pancakes this morning. I had buttered them, put syrup on them and had them setting on the counter and turned around to get a knife and fork to cut them when I heard UTT OH. I turned around and looked and there was Henry standing there looking at the pancakes on the floor. Thank goodness I had just mopped the floor the night before so the pancakes went right back on the plate. Telling Henry to stay back (all I needed now was little syrup footprints all through the house) I went and got a soapy paper towel and wiped up the floor, still telling Henry to stay back I rinsed the floor and turned around to get a dry paper towel to dry the floor when I heard a thump followed by a wail. Yes Henry had stepped into the wet spot and fell and hit the back of his head. He was ok after a few minutes. Maybe I should have let him step in the syrup he could have stuck to the floor instead have busting his butt ;')


Beth said...

Debbie sorry to keep you in suspense not too interesting but this is how my morning went last week.